Information on fees

Taxes, fees, surcharges, and other charges vary based on the services you purchase and your service location. These are listed as specific services or in the Tax section on your invoice:

  • Taxes, Surcharges and Fees include sales, excise, other taxes, and government surcharges that BroadAspect is required by law to collect from customers on behalf of local, state, and federal government agencies. These taxes, surcharges and fees may change from time to time without notice.
  • BroadAspect Surcharges, Fees and Other Charges are costs the law allows BroadAspect to pass on to its customers as a surcharge to recovery compliance costs with federal, state and local laws. These surcharges and fees may change from time to time without notice.

Tax, Fee and Surcharge Details

State Sales and Communications Tax: Government agencies impose and BroadAspect collects taxes on behalf of state governments from purchasers of products and services. The products subject to tax and the amount of the tax varies by area.

911 Emergency Service Fee: This is a fee that BroadAspect is required or authorized by local state government agencies to collect from customers. The government agencies use the funds collected to cover the costs of providing 911 emergency response. The fee is generally either an amount per telephone access line or a percentage of revenue.

Federal Universal Service Fund (USF) Fee: This monthly Broadaspect surcharge allows BroadAspect to recover from its customers the funds it pays to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on interstate services to support the FCC’s universal service programs. The FCC regulates this charge; reviewing and adjusting the fee quarterly based on the FCC’s quarterly FUSF contribution factor. The FCC uses the fund to help keep local telephone rates affordable for all customers, support telecommunications services in schools, public libraries, and rural health-care facilities and subsidize local service to high-cost areas and low-income customers. This charge does not apply to Lifeline customers.

Miscellaneous Fees: Federal and Local government agencies require BroadAspect to collect funds for different purposes such as Local Number Portability and North American Numbering Plan.

Regulatory Recovery Fee: This fee is a monthly surcharge that telecommunications service providers, such as BroadAspect, are permitted to assess in order to defray the costs associated with administering and complying with government regulations and programs.

Telecommunications Relay Service Fee: The state government authorities use the funds collected by BroadAspect to provide telecommunications services for those with special needs. The fee is calculated on either a percent of revenue or on a per line basis.